We (Nick Franklin and Paul Crowe - AKA 'Team Kipper') have decided that our annual BMX mission this year should be replaced with something more ridiculous. It didn't take long for us to realise the only sensible thing to do is to drive to Mongolia - 10,000 miles across some of the worlds most hostile terrain in a car that's teetering on the brink of a failed MOT.
You can track our progress literally hour by hour thanks to the blinding GPS tracking system on loan to us from Marinetrack.
A Suzuki SJ 413 - 1.3 litre funky jeep, Paul broke down in it within an hour of us buying it! Check out the photos and blog for more.
To raise money for charity & also to see if we can make it. And... well, that's it - you want more?
We are leaving on the 5th July 2008 and hopefully returning sometime after (TBC).
[edit:switched to .co.uk after the rally] .mn signifies Mongolia. Why? Mongolia
spelled in the Cyrillic alphabet is: Монгол
The actual abreviation for this would be: "мн" (of course!) but
since Cyrillic letters are not in the standard Western (ASCII) characterset the
clever people at ICANN transliterated мн to it's equivalent "mn".
So there y'are...
External links and comments are disabled, this site is just up for posterity so you can enjoy the photos, blog and map.
A big thank you to everyone who has already kindly made a donation! If you are able to sponsor us - our chosen charity is SOS children's villages - we would be very grateful.
SOS children's villages provides homes for orphaned and abandoned children, across the world. In Mongolia, they have set up a village in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city. However the village is overcrowded and in need of more services, and they are also trying to establish another children's village in northern Mongolia. Thank you for helping to support their valuable work - all of the donations on our justgiving.com page go to the charity!!
We are purchasing our own vehicle, which (assuming we make it) will be donated to the CDPF (Children's Development Protection Fund), based in Mongolia, to sell at auction.
We need to get a load of kit together, from tools and camping stuff for the trip to goodies to give away on our way - if you'd like to help us and get your logo on our site & car then contact us
A very big thank you to all the people already offering us help and gear that we need. The official sponsors are listed below, but you all know who you are and we really appreciate your help! Thanks!
Pretty much everything we take will be given to a good home through a registered charity (CDPF) once we reach Ulaanbaatar.
site design: Nick Franklin - Layer3 IT © 2008