London to Mongolia Rally 2008

Up to the minute news by email & our awesome sms/mms to blog service

paul & nick

latest multimedia update sent by MMS


the kipper machine in full effect

MMS photo


it begins tomorrow

22:56 - 03/07/2008

well it's been a seriously interesting little week! nice to have moved to devon but a total head-@?&* to then start trying to get the million things done that seemed to present themselves, with the mongolia mission looming large...!

well here it is - all is said and most is done. the truck is sitting outside my new abode loaded to & on the roof and modified in a number of peculiar ways (some of which may help us to get to mongolia).

take a look at the photo gallery for some pics from the last few days.

tomorrow is T-1, but since really this is us setting off for london in full rally mode it's actaually the unofficial launch, wish us luck (please).



paul & nick

latest multimedia update sent by MMS


GFX are on..

MMS photo

paul & nick

latest multimedia update sent by MMS


leaving tomorrow, yeeha

MMS photo



11:0 - 04/06/2008

i am fully VISAed up and ready for action - sweet!

paul & nick

latest multimedia update sent by MMS


one for the smoked fish pedants!

paul crowe

mission update

20:54 - 26/05/2008


well Nick has fully been on the case with the VISA's, (i'm not far behind, but need to get on the case).

This website (as you will have noticed) has been upgraded to feature some really cool stuff!

Nick is the whizzkid behind that!

Sponsorship money is going well, we are at around £760 to date, so hopefully should make our target of £1000, by liftoff day 5th July.

The truck is looking good.
still got to:-
fit the stereo
fix the exhaust
build the snorkel
fix the flat tyre etc...

will keep you posted.
until then


paul & nick

latest multimedia update sent by MMS


welcome 2 the kipper mms blog!

btw if the image preview on the right hasn't loaded (you can see text saying 'video diary') then hit the refresh button in your browser

paul & nick

latest multimedia update sent by MMS


direct audio post 1


mms is fully go...

20:35 - 23/05/2008

...i've got the MMS to blog totally going strong. how does it work? well muchos thanks to these guys for the ffmpeg install info, couldn't have done it without them. basically MMS messages are coming through in 3gpp (video) format or amr (audio) and i've got ffmpeg installed in my chroot jail here on bluehost, so i'm running a quick ffmpeg conversion to flv or mp3... which can then be embedded in our blog with a bit of Anarchy media javascript magic - yum!

works like a charm, after a fair bit of kippering!

enjoy the video/audio diaries, + some photos too, hopefully we'll be able to MMS from outside the UK ok...


site design: Nick Franklin - Layer3 IT © 2008