As the rally organisers say: "You can take any route to Mongolia - you are limited only by your sense of adventure". We're thinking of not going through Iran or Iraq, but other than that it's a blank canvas...
Many thanks to Andy at Marinetrack who has kindly loaned us a GPS tracking unit. This unit will be sending our longitude & lattitude back via satellite every 30 minutes and our position and route will be updated on their website. Click the map below to open the Team Kipper tracking page...
There are three different levels of zoom on the Marinetrack map. The map will load zoomed out as far as it goes. Use the orange buttons to zoom in further.
There are also three different map types: aerial, map & hybrid - aerial is satellite photos, map is a road map and with hybrid you get the satellite images with a road map overlay that follows the mouse around (as above).
Try hitting the Replay button - you'll see our whole route so far replayed (this is particularly cool if you zoom in all the way and put it on 'Aerial' so you can see the landscape)... Give us a shout if we're heading the wrong way - we've got this baby but we don't have a GPS for navigation!
In case you need it here's a direct link to the map:
site design: Nick Franklin - Layer3 IT © 2008