the triumphant kippers
12:49 - 08/08/2008
can hardly believe we did it, we are in UB as you can see.
flight tomorrow morning.
phew. what a mission. the whole thing is a blur in my head - i would not add or take away anything tho, it has been totally epic.
checked into a swanky hotel last night, ate a well nice steak or two, had the best shower in 5 weeks... what a laugh.
just did all the paperwork for the truck with the charity guys.
that is it. we are just a pair of backpackers waiting for our flight now.
UB is pretty cool. our last night camping was a blinder, had a fat fire and a good meal...
thanks very much to everyone for following our kippering, thanks for the comments. you are awesome! i will try to sort through some photos in the next week and get them on the site, so if you are interested then check back next weekend.
loads of love to everyone everywhere, yeehah! we made it! in our battered five hundred quid car! woohooo!
oh yeah: final mileage was 83780 so 8100 miles from devon! woo!
and suddenly... was gone...
I'm sure you never doubted we would get here?
really weird saying goodbye to our home of 5 weeks.
now looking a little battered, she is sitting in the CDPF compound, waiting to be auctioned.
The roof was looking pretty bad, but the decision to burn the wood (to keep the fire going on the last night) we had supporting it, mean't by the time we rolled it yesterday, it was looking more like we had driven through a crusher...
loved BOTH my steak dinners last night and tea, with milk (that hadn't been extracted from a poor unsuspecting horse) - it's been too long.
love to you all,
assuming there really is an airline called 'Aeroflot' we will see you soon.paulx
the long (half)- way round....
what an amazing adventure! an actual, real one instead of a pretend, 'oh-no-Euan's-got-petrol-in-his-eye' kind!
so proud of you guys, and of the totally ninja truck.
can't wait to see you both tomorrow xxxxx
fucking awesome
well done truck and truckineers also, i loved every minute
i guess you two will be strutting around like clever ponies, and so you should.
i hope the tracker goes on the plane with you, that would be cool
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