London to Mongolia Rally 2008

paul crowe

mission update

20:54 - 26/05/2008


well Nick has fully been on the case with the VISA's, (i'm not far behind, but need to get on the case).

This website (as you will have noticed) has been upgraded to feature some really cool stuff!

Nick is the whizzkid behind that!

Sponsorship money is going well, we are at around £760 to date, so hopefully should make our target of £1000, by liftoff day 5th July.

The truck is looking good.
still got to:-
fit the stereo
fix the exhaust
build the snorkel
fix the flat tyre etc...

will keep you posted.
until then




16:27 - 27/05/2008

You mean you didn't sort the stereo first?
What a laugh!

BTW, thanks for the comments facility!
Where can I find the rss feed for them?



cheeky bugger

16:36 - 27/05/2008

no worries tom,

thanks for being the first to comment!

rss feeds? you're having a laugh! i'm not setting up an RSS for each blog post dude... too much other kippering to do!

this is a strictly stripped-down comment system


the other tom

so ...


when and where are you having a leaving party then?

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